100 Journaling Prompts for Personal Reflection and Growth

Orlando Anxiety Therapist: Journal Prompts for Personal Reflection and Growth

By Manuela Nino and Lauran Hahn, LMHC

The start of a new year is always a good time to try something new! One of our favorite everyday practices helps us soothe our anxiety, organize our thoughts and relieve us from our everyday stressors. Journaling is a calming pastime where you spend a few minutes every day sharing your thoughts and reflections on paper. This is a productive way to help ease your anxiety before starting your day, unwind after a stressful event, or simply a moment to pause and reflect in the middle of a hectic day. We encourage you to try one prompt a day and see where it takes you and your writing.

We understand that if this is your first time journaling it can be overwhelming and a little stressful so we went ahead and gathered 100 journaling prompts for you to get you started. We also separated them into various categories so depending on what you’re in the mood to journal about you can pick from - self-reflection, employment, daily life, stress, and anxiety. When you’re ready, find a quiet place and eliminate any distractions then choose any prompt and allow yourself to write freely. If you’ve been journaling for a while we invite you to look at these new prompts and incorporate them into your everyday journaling.

New Year Intentions

  1. What goals did I accomplish last year? What new goals do I want to set for this new year?

  2. What challenges did I face last year? How did I overcome them?

  3. What major life moment happened to me last year? What did I learn for it?

  4. How will I keep myself accountable for accomplishing goals in the new year?

  5. What are three new habits I want to start this year? What are three old habits I want to leave behind?

  6. How does starting a brand new year make me feel? How does leaving behind a year make me feel?

  7. What are three things I am excited about in this new year?

  8. What are some positive affirmations I want to repeat to myself in this new year?

  9. What is something that is inspiring me to be better this year?

  10. What will be my biggest challenge in the new year?

  11. Who do I want to connect with more in the new year?

Self Reflection

  1. What are my three best qualities? 

  2. Describe one or two significant life events that helped shape me into who I am today.

  3. What does my ideal day look like?

  4. Where do I see myself in six months? Where do I see myself in a year? Where do I see myself in 5 years? What are actionable steps to put in place to start working on my one-year plan?

  5. Who is someone who has had the biggest impact on my life? Why?

  6. Where do I feel most at peace? When I think about this place, how do I feel in my body? What emotions do I feel? What is the quality of my thoughts?

  7. What are three changes I want to make in my life? Why are these changes important to me? What is one small step I can take this week to start making this change?

  8. What do I appreciate most about who I am?

  9. What has been the most difficult decision I’ve had to make? What strength did I call upon to make the difficult decision? How have I persevered since then?

  10. What is a challenge that I have overcome? How did this challenge help me grow into the person I am today?

Relationships and Love

  1. What does love mean to me?

  2. How connected do you feel to your relationships?

  3. Who do I feel I receive the most love from? What do they do that feels so loving?

  4. What three traits do I value most in a partner? What three traits do I value most in myself?

  5. What is my primary Love Language?

  6. What allows me to show and express love?

  7. How do I show love or compassion to others?

  8. How can I better support my loved ones? 

  9. How do I recognize when someone loves me?

  10. What boundaries do I need to have in place so that I can be my most loving self?

  11. What are ways I show love to myself?

Employment and Career

  1. How do I feel in my current employment?

  2. Where do I see my career going in 5 years?

  3. What do I love about my current job? What do I least like about my current job?

  4. What are my values as they relate to work and employment?

  5. How does my current job align with my values?

  6. How does my current job not align with my values?

  7. In what ways does my job challenge me? Do I seek those challenges for myself?

  8. What part of the workday do I look forward to the most? What part of the workday do I look forward to the least?

  9. What are some of my unique talents? How do I incorporate them into my job? What can I do to improve my work performance?

  10. Who or what motivates me?

  11. How do I maintain a healthy work-life balance?

  12. How do I celebrate my accomplishments? Who do I share them with?

Personal Growth

  1. What is one thing I want to accomplish the most in my life?

  2. What are three goals I want to accomplish this year?

  3. What helps me stay focused on my future? What are things that get in the way of accomplishing these goals?

  4. What do I look forward to the most in the future? How does accomplishing this make me feel?

  5. What is an area in my life that I want to improve? What is one step I can take to make that change?

  6. What is something I carry emotionally that you’re ready to let go of?

  7. Name five things I want to share with your younger self?

  8. Name five things I want to ask an older version of yourself?

  9. What are the ways I practice self-care? How does taking care of myself make me feel?

  10. How do others support me in my personal growth?

  11. What are three things I have accomplished that I am proud of?

  12. Name one person I have always looked up to. Why do I look up to them?

Daily Life

  1. What are some of my favorite everyday activities? How do they make me feel afterward?

  2. What do I do for myself when I need to relax?

  3. How do I stay motivated?

  4. What are some examples of thing that brings me joy every day?

  5. When I’m feeling low, what are my go-to things to do for myself? How does it make me feel afterward?

  6. When I am lacking motivation, what are three things I will do for myself to help me get motivated?

  7. What are some examples of things that make me stressed or anxious? How do I help myself in those moments?

  8. How do I know I’ve had a productive day?

  9. Who is someone I enjoy being around? How do I feel when I’m around them?

  10. What are three things I am grateful for every day?

  11. In what space do I feel the most peaceful? (examples: my home, the gym, library)


  1. What are some emotions I find difficult to process? Why might I find them difficult to process?

  2. What are three triggers that make me upset? What are some things I can do when I am upset?

  3. Who do I trust most with my emotions? Why do I trust them the most?

  4. How often do I share my emotions with others?

  5. What are three examples of ways that I help myself feel better when I’m feeling my lowest?

  6. How do I handle being disappointed? How does it make me feel?

  7. What are three things that make me happy every day?

  8. What is my happiest memory? Why was this such a happy moment?

  9. What are three ways I can handle my emotions better?

  10. How do my emotions affect the people around me?

  11. How have I grown emotionally in the last year?

  12. Describe a moment you know you could’ve handled your emotions better.


  1. What are three things that make me anxious? Why do they make me feel this way?

  2. What are two things that scare me the most?

  3. What are some of my worries right now? What were some of my worries when I was younger? How have things changed?

  4. What are some things that trigger my anxiety?

  5. How do I talk to myself when I am anxious?

  6. What are some things I do that help when I’m feeling anxious?

  7. What are three activities that help me with my anxiety?

  8. Who do I reach out to when I’m feeling anxious?

  9. How does journaling help with my anxiety?

  10. What are some ways I can start my day to help reduce my anxiety? How do I feel after?


  1. Describe three things that are causing me the most stress right now?

  2. How does feeling stress make my body feel?

  3. How do I help myself when I am stressed?

  4. What are three ways that I can help better manage my stress in the future?

  5. How do I know I need to ask for help with my stress? Who do I go to when I need help?

  6. What are three ways I can be kinder to myself when I feel stressed?

  7. What are some stressors that I cannot control? How can I let them go?

  8. Describe how stress affects my daily life.

  9. What are ways I distract myself from everyday stress?

  10. How often do I allow myself to take a break from my daily life?

Want to learn more about Personal Reflection and Growth in Orlando Therapy?

Feel free to reach out to us to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation to learn more about therapy at Mindful Living Counseling Orlando.

Additional Resources

Decluttering your Mind: 3 Tips to Get You Started

Relationships: LOVE

6 Tips to Bring the Best You to 2021

Mindful Living Counseling Orlando is a trauma healing center. Our Orlando Therapy Services include anxiety therapy, trauma counseling, eating disorder recovery, teen counseling, and healing from toxic relationships. At Mindful Living Counseling Orlando, we use a down-to-earth approach infused with cutting-edge therapies that go beyond traditional talk therapy so clients can heal at the root level and experience lasting change. Feel free to access one of our Guided Meditations to help you feel settled and calm now.


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