How to Manage Perfectionism and Anxiety

Orlando Therapist: How to Manage Perfectionism & Anxiety

By: Lauran Hahn, LMHC 

Do you struggle with wanting things to be perfect? Do you feel anxious when things don’t go as planned? Do you sometimes freeze because anything less than perfection isn’t worth the effort?

As an Orlando Therapist specializing in trauma and anxiety, I help clients manage perfectionism and anxiety so they can start to enjoy life and all the imperfections that come with it.

Perfectionism is having unrealistic expectations for performance to be flawless. People who struggle with perfectionism are usually highly self-critical and focused on imperfections. They are typically anxious or depressed or both because of the impossibility for them to meet their expectations. There is a lack of joy when participating in most activities because the focus shifts from enjoying the process to being hyper-focused on the perfect outcome.

Causes of Becoming a Perfectionist

Fear of failure, fear of making mistakes, and fear of disapproval are at the core of perfectionism. These insecurities are often caused by having critical or shaming caregivers, siblings, or teachers during the formative years. When people are raised in a critical and achievement-focused home environment, they tend to link their worth as a person to what they achieve.

6 Signs of Perfectionism

  1. Procrastination

    Individuals who struggle with perfectionism have difficulty getting started on tasks because the expectation of a flawless outcome is daunting and difficult to push through.

  2. Inability to Complete Tasks

    Perfectionism can lead to the inability to complete tasks. People with perfectionistic traits have a hard time “going with the flow” and will shut down when things don’t go as planned.

  3. Spending an Inordinate Amount of Time on Projects

    Perfectionism can lead to inordinate amounts of time spent on tasks and projects. Because people with perfectionism get focused on the details, they will redo things over and over again until they feel perfect. All of this leads to lengthy timelines for tasks and projects.

  4. Inability to Make Decisions

    People with perfectionism can struggle to make decisions. When choice points don’t have an obvious direction to take, perfectionists often get stuck at the crossroad because they are worried about making the wrong decision.

  5. Self-Criticism

    For the perfectionist, anything less than perfect stirs up beliefs of failure and not being good enough. A perfectionist can often see anything less than perfect as a failure.

  6. Inability to Receive Feedback

    Perfectionists have a hard time receiving feedback even when it’s constructive. Because they hold such high expectations of themselves, any type of feedback that is not positive can feel like it’s a personal attack.

How Perfectionism Leads to Anxiety

Perfectionism leads to anxiety because of the internal pressure people put on themselves for the perfect outcome. For a person with perfectionism, completing a task flawlessly is directly linked to their self-worth. This makes projects and endeavors very high-stakes for the perfectionist. 

Mental Health Conditions Linked to Perfectionism:

Tips on how to Manage Anxiety and Perfectionism:

  • Focus on the joy of doing and learning, not on the end product

  • Allow yourself to make mistakes

  • Explore the difference between success and perfection 

  • Establish realistic goals for yourself

  • Know your perfectionist tendencies

  • Start a mindfulness practice 

  • Anticipate a learning curve when starting new projects

  • Be mindful of what you are doing well

  • Talk to yourself as if you were talking to a friend

  • Incorporate the philosophy, “Done is better than perfect.”

Ready to Start Anxiety Therapy in Orlando, FL?

The therapists at Mindful Living Counseling Orlando are here to help you live your best life. To get started on anxiety therapy one of our anxiety therapists in Orlando:

  1. Fill out our New Client Consultation form located on our Contact Page.

  2. Once you complete the form, you’ll be invited to schedule a 15-minute phone consultation with our Client Care Coordinator.

  3. Get ready to start healing from anxiety!

Not Quite Ready for Anxiety Therapy?

Our highly trained team will help you gain tools that will help you overcome any anxiety may be feeling to help you navigate the holidays. If you’re not ready, we understand. Take all the time you need and reach out when it feels right.

Anxiety Therapy Orlando Resources

An Anxiety Therapist Shares Everything You Need to Know About Anxiety

How to Make Difficult Decisions

Decision-Making Anxiety and 5 Steps to Make Decisions Easier

Tools for Anxiety: Mindful Thinking

Other Therapy Services Offered at Mindful Living Counseling in Orlando, FL

Our therapists at Mindful Living understand that anxiety may not be the only feeling you’re struggling with. This is why we offer a variety of therapy services. Our therapy services include Trauma therapy, EMDR therapy, Eating Disorder Therapy, Toxic Relationship Therapy, and Teen Therapy. We also offer Guided Meditations. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!

About the Owner

As an Orlando Therapist, Lauran Hahn, LMHC, specializes in working with clients struggling with anxiety. She also specializes in boundaries and supporting her clients in healing from toxic relationships. Lauran works to help her clients feel calm in their bodies, at peace in their minds, and connected in relationships.


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