A Guided Meditation for Anxiety: Working with Parts of Self

A Guided Meditation for Anxiety: Working with Parts of Self

Orlando Therapist Providing a Guided Meditation for Anxiety…

Sometimes when we have anxiety, it’s helpful to look at the anxiety as an anxious part of the self.

At Mindful Living Counseling Orlando, we will often work with our clients in developing and understanding all the various aspects of themselves. This guided practice is intended to be a resource if you started a practice of exploring internal aspects of self. This is a guided practice that is intended to be a daily check-in to notice any aspects of self that may be disturbed and need some additional support.

Mindful Living Counseling Orlando provides grounding practices to our clients that struggle with anxiety and trauma. Guided meditation is one of our favorite grounding techniques.

Get yourself into a comfortable space and be ready to listen to our guided meditation on working with parts of self.

Guided Meditation Practice for Parts of Self

Script for Guided Meditation Practice for Parts of Self

Hi and welcome to this guided practice, my name is Lauran and I am the owner of Mindful Living Counseling Orlando, where we specialize in helping people with trauma and anxiety as well as helping people heal from and stop getting into toxic relationships. 

This practice is designed as a daily check-in for ultimate self-care… This practice is especially helpful if you’re familiar with parts work as a way of lovingly showing up for all the dynamic aspects of yourself.

This mediation is intended to be a daily check-in to see if any part of you has any specific needs that need to be attended to. This is a loving and compassionate way to start your day. This practice is based off of Internal Family Systems. 

So we'll go ahead and get started…

Make sure you're in a quiet comfortable place where you won't be disturbed for the duration of this practice. You can do this practice either sitting down or laying down.

So, we'‘ll start by bringing awareness to your body… Notice how the surface you are on is supporting you. See if you can let go of any muscles that are still working and allow the surface to fully support you…really yielding into the support that is beneath you.

Bring awareness to all the contact points of the surface in your body…really allowing yourself to show up in your body right here, right now.

Now, become aware of your breathing, just noticing the quality… Is it short and shallow or is it long and deep?

Now, we’ll just take a few rounds of deep inhales and exhales that will allow your system to subtle just a bit more.

Next, let's check inside and see what parts of you are present and are perhaps needing or wanting some attention.

Perhaps there is part of you that is eager to move on to the next thing, or perhaps there is the part that is concerned about a relationship or maybe there is a part that is worried about something.

Just take a moment and welcome the parts that are present…

Now, let see if you can get a sense of where the parts are in your body. For example, the part that wants to move on to the next thing might show up in your chest as a little bit of pressure. Or, if there is a part that is worried about a relationship, it might show up as tension or bubbling in your stomach. Or if you have a worried part it might show up as tension in your shoulders.

So just take a moment to notice the parts of you that are present if they do have any somatic sensation…and if not that’s fine… just checking it out and noticing.

Next, let's check to see which part of you needs attention the most right here right now.
Bringing a kind of curiosity to this part much like an interest you would take in a child.

So we're gonna start by asking this part some questions…

You, the you that’s doing this practice… ask the part - how are you doing? And just wait and see what comes. Is there anything you want me to know right now? And you can ask the part is there anything you need from me now, today or this week and just notice what the part relieves.

Some things are - I need to slow down, I need some downtime, I need some alone time, I need some socializing time. Just, anything is correct. Just notice what this part might need.

Now we're gonna spend some time letting the part getting to know you, the adult you that is engaging in this self-care practice right now.

If this is the first time you’re doing this kind of practice you might notice that the part is completely unaware of you…the adult that's doing this practice right now.

So just be open to whatever should come. Ask the part if it can sense you here with it right now and noticing what happens to the part when it can sense you. You can ask the part how old do you think that I am? Sometimes parts don't realize that we are full-grown adults they might think we are younger so it’s kind of interesting to ask that question. And then you can ask that part: would you be willing to look at me, the adult that I am right here right now so you can get a sense of me?

Let the part know who you are, you are the adult that cares about them, and let the part know how old you are. Reassure the part that it is not alone anymore and just notice the part when you say those words.

That might land and feel nourishing or the part might feel a little resistance especially if this is your first or second time doing this practice.

If the part is responding well to your bid for connection invite the part to relax a bit and open up space so that you can embody your body a bit more. If the part agrees, you might notice a shift in spaciousness in your body, and if not that’s ok… keep doing these practices and the part will start to settle but if the shift does occur notice that sense of embodiment and how you feel that right here right now.

Notice the sense of well-being that comes and how it offers you a sense of groundedness and a settled feeling. Notice that there is a sense of being able to be right here, right now, and that in this moment everything is ok.

Now, I want to encourage you that the first few times you do this, just be open to what happens, and overtime again you will be able to the part will begin to settle and see that you the adult are actually here with it and support it.

So as we get ready to close this practice make sure to offer all the parts that showed up, gratitude for allowing you to work with them, and if you didn't get to all of the parts let them know that you will come back and continue to do these check-ins.

So thank you for joining me on this guided meditation practice for checking in with all of your parts. 

Namaste to you and all of your parts.

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Sometimes you need a little more than self-help blogs. We get that. If you’re looking for some additional support, we are here to help. We’re offering in-person and virtual appointments. Click here to find out more about counseling at Mindful Living Counseling Orlando.

Additional Guided Meditations - Orlando Therapist Lauran Hahn, LMCH

If you enjoy this mediation and you’d like additional meditation, check out these posts where we offer additional meditations to help with anxiety.

Guided Meditation for Anxiety: The Container

Guided Meditation for Anxiety: Healing Light

Guided Meditation for Anxiety: Breath and Body Grounding

Guided Meditation for Anxiety: Container and Storage

Guided Meditation for Anxiety: Relaxation Response


Mindful Living Counseling Orlando is a trauma healing center. Our Orlando Therapy Services include anxiety therapy, trauma counseling, eating disorder recovery, teen counseling, and healing from toxic relationships. At Mindful Living Counseling Orlando, we use a down-to-earth approach infused with cutting-edge therapies that go beyond traditional talk therapy so clients can heal at the root level and experience lasting change. Feel free to access one of our Guided Meditations to help you feel settled and calm now.


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