Orlando Therapist Shares 11 Parenting Tips for Raising Awesome Humans

Two children hugging and holding some paint. Represents how Therapy Orlando can help

Orlando Therapist Shares 11 Parenting Tips for Raising Awesome Humans

By: Lauran Hahn, LMHC

Do you worry that you’re not doing the parenting thing right? Do you compare yourself to other moms and feel like you’re coming up short? Do you worry that your parenting approach might just be screwing things up?

As a therapist, I have worked with many parents that trying so hard to be the perfect parent. Striving to be the perfect parent is a trap. You’ll never get there and you’ll just stress yourself out trying.

Raising awesome humans has nothing to do with being the perfect parent. In fact, trying to be perfect is just going to exhaust your precious energy and make you feel like you’re getting it all wrong. Think about it, perfectionism breeds stress, anxiety, self-doubt, pressure, and unrealistic expectations.

Mom with her kids hugging and smiling. Represents how Therapy Orlando can help

I don’t know about you, but I don’t have time for all that while juggling the multitude of responsibilities of being a mom.

Put simply, raising awesome humans is all about embracing your humanness.

Life is messy. We make mistakes. We yell. We say things we regret. We will inadvertently hurt our children. It’s a fact.

As an Orlando therapist and the mom of two kids, ages 6 and 28, I have learned a lot about momming over the years. In celebration of Mother’s Day on Sunday, I thought I’d turn the wisdom I have gathered over the years into 11 Parenting Tips for Raising Awesome Humans.

  1. Heal your childhood wounds.

    As a trauma therapist, I work with many parents that end up coming to therapy because parenting triggers their childhood wounds. The biggest gift you can give yourself and your kiddos is to do a deep dive and work through any lingering wounds or traumas from your past.

  2. Say "I'm sorry" when you make a mistake.

    This teaches your kids that it's okay to make mistakes and that apologizing is important. Embracing your humanness and owning when you make a mistake is an important part of growing awesome kids.

  3. Make time for yourself.

    Taking care of yourself is crucial so that you can bring your best self to being a parent.  Whether it's taking a bubble bath or going for a walk, make sure you take breaks and do things that bring you joy. Check out this blog I wrote about the importance of self-care.

Mothers and child sitting and hugging. Represents how Therapy Orlando can help

4. Be flexible.

Life is unpredictable and sometimes plans change. Being able to adapt and roll with the punches will help you and your family navigate through challenging times.

5. Play with your kiddos.

You'll have a million things to do, but let them go and play with your kid for at least 20 minutes a day. Play and laughter are important for building strong relationships and happy memories.

6. Listen to your kids.

When you take the time to really hear what your children have to say, it makes them feel valued and heard. Plus, you might learn something new or get a good laugh because kids say the funniest things!

7. Have clear boundaries and rules.

Kids thrive on routine and predictability. Establishing clear rules and boundaries will help them feel safe and secure. Samantha Bickhman, LMHC specializes in parenting and wrote a blog all about Parenting: Taking Back Your Power and Your Sanity.

8. Show affection often.

Hugs, kisses, and kind words help your child feel loved and appreciated. Take time to give physical and verbal affection to your children In my house, we call them ‘love taps.’

9. Help your kids develop independence.

Encourage them to try new things and solve problems on their own. This will help them build confidence and self-esteem.

Smiling woman hugging and laughing. Represents how Therapy Orlando can help

10. Be present.

When you're spending time with your kids, try to be fully engaged in the moment. Put down your phone and really be with them.

11. Be patient.

Kids are frustrating at times. That's part of the parenting package. Keep in mind these little humans are doing the best that they can with the skills that they have. The more parents model patience and calm, the sooner they too will be able to manage their big feelings.

Interested in Therapy Orlando?

If something in this blog resonated with you, know that you don’t have to navigate this alone. The therapists at Mindful Living Counseling Orlando are here to help you navigate motherhood and answer any other questions you may have about therapy. To get started with one of our anxiety counselors:

  1. Fill out our New Client Consultation Form

  2. Schedule a consultation call with our Client Care Coordinator

  3. Begin your healing journey!

Not Quite Ready for Therapy Orlando?

Check out our team of specialized anxiety therapists that are here to help! If you’re wanting to get some information before you make that first phone call. We get it. At Mindful Living Counseling Orlando, our highly trained team will help you gain tools that will help you overcome anxiety. If you’re wanting to read more about anxiety, check out the articles below.

Additional Therapy Orlando Resources

Teen Counseling: Social Media and Teen Mental Health

Parenting Boundaries: Taking Back Your Power and Your Sanity

Orlando Therapist Spotlight: Samantha Bickham for Parenting Therapy

Other Therapy Services Offered at Mindful Living Counseling in Orlando, FL

Our therapists at Mindful Living understand that motherhood is one challenge you may struggle with. But, there may be others. This is why we offer a variety of therapy services. Our therapy services include Trauma therapy, EMDR therapy, Eating Disorder Therapy, Toxic Relationship Therapy, and Teen Therapy. We also offer Guided Meditations. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!

About Anxiety Therapist Lauran Hahn

Orlando Therapist Lauran Hahn LMHC Anxiety Therapist Orlando. Represents how Therapy Orlando can help

As an Orlando Therapist, Lauran Hahn, LMHC, specializes in working with clients struggling with anxiety and healing from toxic relationships. Lauran is also a Certified EMDR therapist and an EMDRIA Approved EMDR Consultant. When she’s not seeing clients Lauran enjoys spending time with her family and her dog Opal.


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