Guided Meditation for Anxiety: Breath and Body Grounding

Guided Meditation for Anxiety: Breath and Body Grounding May 10, 2021

Orlando Therapist Providing a Guided Meditation for Anxiety

Anxiety and overwhelm can be powerful dictators in someone’s life. However, it can be managed through daily meditation and mindfulness practice.

At Mindful Living Counseling Orlando, we provide grounding practices to our clients that struggle with anxiety and trauma. Guided Meditation is one of our favorite grounding techniques.

Get yourself into a comfortable space, and listen to the Breath and Body Grounding practice below to help reduce your anxiety by focusing on your breath and body.

Guided Meditation Practice for Anxiety

Script for Guided Meditation Practice for Anxiety

Hello and welcome to this guided practice… My name is Lauran and I’m a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and owner of Mindful Living Counseling Services.

We work with clients struggling with anxiety, past traumas, and relationship pattern problems.

In this guided practice I will walk you through grounding and breath work to help reduce anxiety.

So we’ll start by making sure that you have about 10 minutes of time to just focus on you… And allow yourself to let go of any other demands... from work, or from family…

Next, I’m going to invite you to either lye down or sit in a comfortable position… whatever you feel more comfortable doing today.

And, you can have your eyes open or closed…

So, first let’s just become aware of your breath. just the natural inhale and exhale... of your breath… the natural ebb and flow… in and out… rise and fall... of your chest and abdomen.

Not doing anything to change the breath, just becoming aware of it as it is right now…

Then, we’ll go ahead and just bring awareness to the body as it is right here, right now... just notice how your legs and feet are... how your hands are... how your back is... just bringing awareness to it.

Next, I’d like to invite you to just notice the contact points of where your body meets the support of the surface and that contact point…

So, if you’re sitting down you’ll notice how your bum and legs contact the chair... and perhaps how your back is supported by the chair…

And now what I’d like you to do is notice where your muscles are tense… and where they are working right now… and I’d like you invite your muscles to let go where they can and allow the surface that is supporting you to do its work in supporting you... In other words, I’m asking you to let go where you can let go and be held where you can be held... it’s a type of yielding into the support that is already there...

So, just doing a little scan through the body and seeing if there are any other places you can let go…

Next, I’d like to invite you back to your breath where we will just allow our focus and our attention to go back to the breath.. and now what I’d like you try to do is make your exhales a bit longer than your inhales... for some that might be an inhale counting to 4, exhale counting to 8… or exhaling to 6… whatever feels more comfortable… but I’d like you to make your exhales a little bit longer than your inhales… that relaxes the nervous system...

So, I’m going to give you about a minute or so without me talking just allowing you to bring your awareness to your breath extending the exhales…

And if your mind starts to wander, you just bring it right back to the breath...

Now, just again, bringing your awareness back to the breath… now I’d like you to place one hand on your chest and the other hand on top of that hand on your chest and in gratitude… just thanking yourself for taking this time out of your day to connect in and do something nurturing for your mind, body, and spirit…


More Guided Meditations for Anxiety

If you liked this meditation and would like more free meditations, or to download it to your phone, click here.

Orlando Therapists Available for Additional Support

Sometimes you need a little more than self-help blogs. We get that. If you’re looking for some additional support, we are here to help. We’re offering in-person and virtual appointments. Click here to find out more about counseling at Mindful Living Counseling Orlando.

Mindful Living Counseling Orlando is a trauma healing center. Our Orlando Therapy Services include anxiety therapy, trauma counseling, eating disorder recovery, teen counseling, and healing from toxic relationships. At Mindful Living Counseling Orlando, we use a down-to-earth approach infused with cutting-edge therapies that go beyond traditional talk therapy so clients can heal at the root level and experience lasting change. Feel free to access one of our Guided Meditations to help you feel settled and calm now.


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