EMDR Therapy Orlando for a Recent Trauma

Shows a woman sitting on a bed. Represents how EMDR therapy Orlando can help

EMDR Therapy Orlando for a Recent Trauma

Written by: Lauran Hahn, LMHC

Have you recently experienced a traumatic event? Maybe you were in a car accident, witnessed a crime, or experienced a natural disaster. Whatever the event, it's normal to feel overwhelmed, anxious and scared in the aftermath of trauma. But with the help of a mental health professional trained in EMDR Therapy, you can recover from the traumatic event and move forward in your life. One approach that may be helpful is the recent traumatic episode protocol (RTEP).

My name is Lauran Hahn and I am a Certified EMDR Therapist and an EMDRIA Approved EMDR Consultant. I’m also the owner of Mindful Living Counseling, a group therapy practice in downtown Orlando specializing in trauma and anxiety.

All of the therapists at our practice are either Certified EMDR Therapists or working toward certification. 

If you’ve recently experienced a trauma, we highly recommend that you seek EMDR Therapy immediately, even if you’re not experiencing symptoms. It is not unusual for trauma symptoms to be delayed for weeks, months, or even years in some cases. The sooner you start EMDR Therapy after a traumatic event, the less likely you will develop symptoms of PTSD.

If you’re reading this article and you’ve already started to experience symptoms of PTSD, rest assured, EMDR Therapy will be able to help process the traumatic event so that symptoms are no longer intruding on your daily life. 

Symptoms of PTSD

Shows a woman sitting on a bed. Represents how EMDR therapy Orlando can help
  1. Intrusive thoughts or memories: These are unwelcome thoughts or memories that keep coming back, even when you don't want them to. They can be distressing and vivid, making it hard to concentrate on other things.

  2. Nightmares: Many people with PTSD experience nightmares related to the traumatic event. These dreams can be very vivid. The intensity of them can wake you up feeling scared or upset.

  3. Flashbacks: Flashbacks are like reliving a traumatic event. Even though you are safe now, the flashback can make it seem as though you are reliving the trauma. Ongoing flashbacks can make you feel like you are losing control.

  4. Avoidance: People with PTSD tend to avoid situations that remind them of the trauma. For example, someone that just experienced a dangerous car crash might avoid driving, Avoidance can eventually lead to loss of quality of life and to isolation. 

  5. Emotional numbness: People that have experienced a traumatic event can sometimes feel emotionally numb. It’s as if their nervous system is protecting them from feeling the intense pain of the previous trauma, but this emotional numbness makes it difficult to have positive or negative emotions or feel connected in relationships. 

  6. Hyperarousal: Hyperarousal is like feeling revved up much of the time with a hair trigger response. You may be easily startled or feel irritable or angry. Being hyperaroused can lead to sleep problems. 

EMDR Therapy for a Recent Trauma

If you’ve experienced a recent trauma event, our therapists will utilize a specialized EMDR Therapy protocol called RTEP (Recent Traumatic Episode Protocol). The protocol helps to reduce symptoms of trauma, such as intrusive thoughts, nightmares, and flashbacks and promotes adaptive coping strategies.

How long does it take for EMDR Therapy for Recent Trauma to work?

Shows a man sitting outside. Represents how EMDR therapy Orlando can help

This protocol is designed to bring down distress quickly. If the client experienced a single event trauma with no other trauma history, then this protocol could be completed in one to three hours. If the client has a complicated trauma history it could take longer.

Another factor in how well this protocol works or how fast it works is determined by whether or not the client is still enduring the trauma. For example, if the client just ended an abusive marriage, but still continues to see her ex in court, this may impact the effects of this protocol. 

How is EMDR Therapy for Recent Trauma different from regular EMDR Therapy?

RTEP is designed to treat a single event or series of events rather than a broad range of traumatic events. The protocol is very focused on desensitizing the activation around the specific trauma. In this protocol, the EMDR Therapist helps the client focus on the aspects of the event rather than allowing for a more free association that is part of the standard EMDR protocol. In other words, the recent event protocol is much more contained than the standard protocol.

What if I am not ready to talk about the trauma?

Shows a woman staring outside the window thinking. Represents how EMDR therapy Orlando can help

Our EMDR Therapists are trained in providing EMDR Therapy in a format called “Blind to Therapist.” This means that the client can process the trauma without talking about or sharing any of the information with the therapist. Some clients have found this option very helpful.

How Does EMDR Therapy for Recent Trauma Work?

The protocol involves a series of phases, including preparation, desensitization, and closure. 

During the preparation phase, your therapist will explain the EMDR Therapy process and help you develop coping strategies for managing distress during and after the sessions. They will also assess your readiness for the desensitization phase, which involves reprocessing the traumatic memory.

During the desensitization phase, you will be guided to focus on the traumatic event while simultaneously engaging in bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements or tapping. This process is thought to facilitate the processing and integration of traumatic memories, resulting in reduced emotional distress and improve adaptive functioning.

Finally, the closure phase involves reviewing the process and exploring the positive shifts the client experienced. These positive shifts typically reflect a more settled nervous system. Examples are a relief in anxiety or activation, a grounded feeling in the body, and a perception shift, such as “I got through it and it is over now.” 

How Does EMDR Therapy for a Recent Trauma Help?

Shows a woman with her arms clasped. Represents how EMDR therapy Orlando can help

RTEP can benefit people who have recently experienced trauma in several ways. This protocol helps to reduce distressing symptoms, such as intrusive thoughts and nightmares, which can interfere with daily functioning. It also promotes resilience as the client can orient to the safety that is present now rather than anticipating the danger that once was. 

Seeking EMDR Therapy for a recent trauma can help you regain a sense of control over your life and improve your overall well-being. If you have recently experienced trauma, it's important to seek help from a therapist trained in EMDR therapy. They can help you develop a personalized treatment plan, which may include RTEP or other approaches that are best suited to your needs. Remember, recovery from trauma is possible, and with the right support, you can move forward and thrive.

Are you ready to start your healing journey with EMDR Therapy Orlando?

At Mindful Living Counseling Orlando, all of our therapists are trained in EMDR Therapy, as we specialize in trauma, anxiety, and healing toxic relationship patterns.

  1. Fill out our New Client Consultation Form

  2. Schedule a consultation call with our Client Care Coordinator

  3. Start your journey with EMDR Therapy

Not ready for EMDR Therapy Orlando?

We get it. We want you to take all the time you need and reach out when you’re ready! Feel free to check out our blog page which is loaded with free resources and guided meditations.

Additional Resources for EMDR Therapy Orlando

EMDR Therapy: Healing the Unspoken

What to Expect in an EMDR Intensive

Orlando Therapist Explains What to Expect in EMDR Therapy

Orlando Therapist Answers the Question What is EMDR Therapy?

EMDR Therapy Orlando Q&A

Types of Counseling: What is EMDR?

Is EMDR Therapy Right for You?

Additional Therapy Services Offered at Mindful Living Counseling Orlando

Mindful Living Counseling Orlando therapists understand that EMDR Therapy Orlando isn’t the only thing you’re thinking about when it comes to starting therapy! It’s important for you to know that we offer a variety of therapy services at Mindful Living Counseling which include Toxic Relationship Therapy, Eating Disorder Therapy, Anxiety Therapy, and Teen Therapy.

About the Owner of Mindful Living Counseling Orlando

Image of EMDR Therapist Lauran Hahn LMHC. Image represents how EMDR Therapy Orlando can help.

As an Orlando Therapist, Lauran Hahn, LMHC, specializes in working with clients struggling with anxiety. Lauran is also a Certified EMDR therapist and an EMDRIA Approved EMDR Consultant. She also specializes in boundaries and supporting her clients in healing from toxic relationships. Lauran works to help her clients feel calm in their body, at peace in their mind, and connected in relationships.


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